Simbolo della coccinella
Simbolo della coccinella

Meses atrás chegou no Brasil uma boa leva da linha de cereal Lucky Charms distribuídos em diversas lojas especializadas em produtos importados,eu já havia provado e postado o Cereal Lucky Charms Tradicional (volte uns posts) e adorei, e sabendo que é uma marca bem popular e consumida nos Estados Unidos, resolvi comprar (vender o rim) outros sabores e provar esse sabor de cereal feito com milho e sabor mel, e claro não podendo faltar os famosos Marshmallows 😉 #dragonstory #luckcharms #fairytalestyle #fairytalestory #faeriecoreaesthetic #mythicalbeings #showmeyourbeautifulbooks #beautifulbookcover #spinestack #vintagebookstyle #vintagespines (Swipe to see.) Do you have any charms you keep for good luck? Farrow books are a mash up of nonsense stories - reminiscent of Alice and Wizard of Oz. Oh, and one more tip, don’t give a knife as a gift or that person will become an enemy.

simbolo della coccinella

That’s why originally you toss a pinch of salt over your shoulder to blind the betraying devil, lurking behind you. Tossing salt over your shoulder? In Da Vinci‘s Last Supper, Judas is seen spilling salt which identifies salt with evil. The grapes are to insure abundance for each month of the new year and the red is a throwback to the Middle Ages when Spaniards were forbidden to wear that promiscuous color. On New Year’s Eve, it’s a Spanish custom to eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight while wearing red underwear. If a sailor crosses paths with a women in an apron on his way to his boat, it was a sign to abort the trip. So whenever we can, we arm ourselves against the capriciousness of ill fortune.įear of walking under a ladder dates back to the old practice of hanging criminals after they climbed a ladder to their execution.

simbolo della coccinella

Because as savvy as we are and as far as science has taken us, we still retain a touch of primitive fear in our DNA. Even as fierce as Vikings were, they carved a dragon on their ships figurehead for good luck against sea monsters. It’s Dragon day with this 1902 Farrow book.

Simbolo della coccinella