Highest g force survived
Highest g force survived

highest g force survived

That being so, any claim for less than 75G is plainly not a maximum and so it's not what the OP asked for. OK, lets start with the fact that the OP asked for a maximum G force that can be survived and pointed out that there are recorded cases of people surviving 75G. anyone objects on my statements? I think the maximum is around 1,2 to 1,5G to be able to live in for humans for longer periods of time. these will eventually burn faster than you can consume since the labour will reach a point where it exceeds your energy consuming since we can't process fast enough at some point, and if you can, you'll just gain weight from the eating that burns even more calories. each feet you let go of something is equal to 3 feet on earth falling. so your leg can be easely oblitherated at even 3G when trying to walk like on earth. on earth it's 32 feet/sec it falls and you'll have a normal weighted leg. law of Newton, the gravitational acceleration, if you drop your leg at 3G without force holding it up you'll get a speed of about 100 feet/sec it falls, with it's tripled weight. joint damage, 200 pounds can already stress your joints heavely. cause each G above 1G is another you on your back and getting more powerfull adds muscle adds again WEIGHT. so there are 4 issues: maximum weight you can handle, even WITH adapting. if you weigh 100 pounds you'll weigh at 2G 200 pounds, 3G 300 pounds. Your G-tolerance highly depends on your own weight, 2G is twice your own weight, 3G is 3 times your weight.

Highest g force survived