I was thinking how nice it would be if I could do all of this from a web interface, so I began searching around for what was available. I was looking for an easy way to make new OpenVPN users, adjust server settings, view logs, etc. This guide will help you connect to Pritunl OpenVPN server from pfsense. Even though AWS provided managed services like Site-to-Site tunnelling, Customer gateway and AWS ClientVPN its expensive and for most use cases of start-ups this Pritunl VPN configuration is enough. One of the major issues that we face while subscribing to a VPN is the cost factor and reliability of service. With this VPN we could obtain IP masking and encrypted connection to our infrastructure. Nowadays we are mostly working from remote spaces and at home, we may not be having static IP or secured connections.

VPN is an essential part of an organization to encrypt our data in transit and restrict everything to this static IP. That's it folks.! We have successfully created a Pritunl VPN. Check the security group of the private instances and verify it's open to Pritunl server IP. Note : if no response after running Netcat means there is some connection issue. If you’re getting connection succeeded your configuration is perfect. The server will be requesting setup-key you can copy that command and run in the server to get setup-key

If 80 port is not up within 10mins then u may run the script manually and see what went wrong or follow this doc. Also you may check the ports that are up in instance with netstat -tunlp and see if 80 port is up. Note: If you’re getting a site not reachable check if 80 port is opened in inbound of the security group. So call the public IP in the browser and see. Now within 5 mins or less in this instance, 80 port will be running the initial setup page. Step 2: Configuring the Pritunl VPN server

Access to launch EC2 and with keypair, and to edit the security groupįor this setup, we are launching an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS AMIĪdded user-data #!/bin/bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y upgrade sudo apt-get install curl gnupg2 wget unzip -y curl -fsSL | apt-key add - echo "deb focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | tee /etc/apt//mongodb-org-4.4.list apt-get update apt-get install mongodb-server -y sudo systemctl start mongodb apt-key adv -keyserver hkp:// -recv E162F504A20CDF15827F718D4B7C549A058F8B6B apt-key adv -keyserver hkp:// -recv 7568D9BB55FF9E5287D586017AE645C0CF8E292A echo "deb focal main" | tee /etc/apt//pritunl.list apt-get update apt-get install pritunl -y sudo systemctl start pritunl sudo systemctl enable pritunl mongodbĪfter adding user data you may launch this instance.A privately launched instance just to verify the connection.Note: All the prices from North Virgina region Getting started Prerequisite They also have an enterprise edition as well. We can also get docs from Pritunl for any errors and support. So now you might have understood that using Pritunl is really cost-efficient. Here in this tutorial, we make use of the t3a.micro instance and it would cost around $6.86 for a month. Even if we use a t3a.medium instance it would just cost $27.44 and it would be more than enough for a small company. For a Pritunl VPN setup, we can make use of the EC2 instance. AWS Site-to-Site VPN would cost $36.5 monthly and AWS Client VPN would price around $73 monthly plus a connection hour of $0.05 per hour for client connection. There are ways to set up a VPN in AWS like site-to-site tunnelling from the customer firewall and AWS ClientVPN. If you are using this bastion host for more computing/memory power then that itself is good architecture, But if you are just logging into the Bastion host to connect to the DB then I would recommend using VPN. It is at times like this we require a Bastion host or a VPN help. As a best practice of security we all keep our backend logic layer and database layer in private subnets with Natgatway or without Natgatway, but at times developer or DB admin, needs to log in to DB for manual querying.